Dishman no Smackdown: Round 3 - Parte 1

My Mods

Due to the recent developments at Nexus Mods, I removed my mods from that website.
I don't react well to ultimatums and that was my understanding when I read from Nexus news post: "Our way or the Highway"...
Well, since I heavily disagree with the new policy taking away from the Mod Authors the right to delete their own mods at any time they want without extra steps/questions asked, so I decided to accept Nexus offer and deleted ALL my mods.

Since then, I've been thinking what to do with them...
And lately, I've got a few requests to upload/share them again anywhere and that made me decide to create this page in my personal blog for that purpose only (Don't go visit the other pages now - You probably wont like them :-` ).
In due time (I've been updating some mods and remaking others), - and depending on my time to set this page up - most of my mods will be available here... or at any other Mod Author friendly site...

And again, I am sorry about this inconvenience. :(

P.S.: Some of the required mods below are hosted on Nexus Mods but if some of the Authors also decide to remove them due to their new nexusToS08082021ToS, I'll try to update the link(s) to their new home. (c)

By default, I never allow comments in my blog static pages BUT since this is no ordinary page -- for one, I wrote this post in English -- I decided to keep the comments open in this page on the Disqus platform to keep them apart from the rest of the blog. :)
I designed my blog with the mobile view in mind, but since this page is simply to place my Mods and most of the people who will download them will be to their own PC, I didn't spend much time thinking about how it looks on mobile so probably some parts will not look as intended. For that I am sorry and IF I ever decide to create a new place just for the Mods, for sure I will take that into account... ~X :D
If you want to leave me a comment or a nice word, go to the bottom of the page and have at it. My only request (other than be civil and no profanity) is that you DON't make an anonymous comment - If you don't have an account, please use the Name/URL option.

Also if you want to leave me a donation, here is my  

Thank You. 8)
This mods are for personal use only.
  • You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
  • You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files in any way, except for personal use
  • You are not allowed to convert this files to work on other games under any circumstances
  • You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this files, except for personal use
  • You are not allowed to use assets from this files in any mods/files that are being sold

Ser Wesley & Aveline in the Lothering Chantry



This mod is for people who played, or will play Dragon Age 2 and like to see some connection between DAO and DA2.

There are a lot of mods that add Hawke and Hawke's family to Lothering, but I only saw one that also add Ser Wesley and Aveline:
Female Hawke at Ostagar by maymay1588 - Update file: Ser Wesley and Aveline.

I've been using that mod for some time but it has a problem, it conflits with any mod that change lot110cr_refugee_child_f.utc and lot110cr_refugee_child_m.utc like Improved Atmosphere does, wich causes the problem of having a few Avelines and Wesleys running around...

So I've decided to learn a bit about modding and came up with a solution.

I just written scripts to make 2 new NPC appear in the Lothering Chantry. And edited maymay1588 files to be those 2 new NPC instead of the 2 children and also set those utc files to use some ambient lines of dialog from other areas of the game so that both Ser Wesley and Aveline have something to say...

That said, all credit goes to maymay1588 as it is all her work I used here. If you download my mod, you should go to her mod and endorse that one as well.

Pay attention that the requeriments are the same as she wrote in her mod: Female Hawke at Ostagar by maymay1588

For Aveline to be wearing her initial DA2 clothes, you also need Loincloth Fashion by Entopie (Thank you to drakonous7 for making me aware of that mistake on my part.)


Aveline can be robbed!

This mod will allow you to steal from Aveline. I think would be funny if she has something to remember from her father, so I gave her an amulet that can stolen.
It's a bit overpowered if you ask me, but you don't have to steal it or even use it if you don't want to. But if you're playing with a PC that has no problem with that or stealing from a refugee, go ahead. :devil:

Installation :

  1. Download the main file.
  2. Extract the file.
  3. Place the folder into your override folder.
    • By default it should be : \Documents\Bioware\Dragonage\packages\core\override\

Uninstallation :

Just delete the files from your override folder.

Known Issues :

None as far I know.

Credits / Requeriments :
copy and past from Female Hawke at Ostagar by maymay1588 - added links to each page now

  • Dragon Age: Origins
  • NPCs

Aveline, Carver & Hawke at Ostagar



This mod will add Hawke, Aveline at Ostagar along with Carver as part of King Cailan's army at Ostagar.
I sugest that you only install this mod IF your Hawke is a warrior or rogue...

I decided that the armour Hawke's wearing is the same as the rest of the King's army, no matter if Hawke is a rogue or warrior.
Personally I think it would make no sense if Hawke was wearing the Mantle of the Champion from DA2 at this point.

While looking for dialog that I could use, I found one banter between Carver and Aveline that indicates they at least saw each other at Ostagar. No dialog from DA2 added, tho...
I don't think the Warden should be able to interact with them at Ostagar or the mod wont make sense in Lothering, especialy if used along with Edr Hawke Family in Lothering by edriano and Lothering Hawke of Ferelden by TommyIrianto.

Added some lines of dialog to Hawke MALE ONLY FOR NOW -- In due time, depending how long it take me to complete a playthrough with FemHawke to gather decent dialog, it's my intention to give some lines to Female Hawke as well.

NOTE: Carver and Aveline will also say some lines from default King's soldiers. The voices are not the same as DA2 but I think it's better that just be there silent.
Those lines of conversation will also be said by other soldiers in Ostagar.
If you find that is game-breaking for you, don't interact with them.

Installation :

  1. Download the main file.
  2. Extract the file.
  3. Place the folder into your override folder.
    • By default it should be : \Documents\Bioware\Dragonage\packages\core\override\
      NOTE: When installing, be aware that you MUST CHOOSE ONLY ONE FOLDER for your choice of male/female Hawke.

Uninstallation :

Just delete the files from your override folder.

Known Issues :

None as far I know.

Requeriments :

  • Dragon Age: Origins
  • NPCs

Harritt in Lothering



Harritt originally comes from the town of Lothering. He was in Redcliffe when the darkspawn attacked during the Fifth Blight and helped rebuild the village, but left later on when the rebel mages were offered sanctuary there. ~ Dragon Age Wiki

So who can say he wasn't in Lothering when the Warden pass through there?

With that in mind, and since the Improved Atmosphere by SpaceAlex already adds a blacksmith to Lothering, it gave me the idea to use his resources to add Harritt instead.

That means that this mod Is partly INCOMPATIBLE with Improved Atmosphere but since it shares some resources you need at least part of the Improved Atmosphere to make it work properly.

It's also my first attempt at creating a face, so there is that. Let me know if something is missing...

Requeriments :

Installation :

    IF you don't have the Improved Atmosphere mod - Download it at Improved Atmosphere by SpaceAlex, extract the files and move the folder 1.1. Animations located in \Improved Atmosphere\1. Global into my mod's folder.

  1. Download the main file.
  2. Extract the file.
  3. Place the folder into your override folder.
    • By default it should be : \Documents\Bioware\Dragonage\packages\core\override\

Uninstallation :

Just delete the files from your override folder.

Known Issues :

IF you have the Improved Atmosphere by SpaceAlex installed, you must delete the file lot100cr_miner2.utc from it, otherwise it will conflict with this mod.


  • Is it possible to use this mod without the Improved Atmosphere part?
  • Yes. BUT Harritt will just stand there without the blacksmith animations and hammer.
  • Is it possible to interact with Harritt?
  • Yes, he has some lines of dialog I grabbed from Dragon Age Inquisition and edited into some sort of conversation. Unfortunately that is all the interaction there is.
  • Harritt doesn't look like his Inquisition version...
  • No, he does not. It was my first attempt at creating a face and I tried to make him look 10 years younger.
    • BUT inside the main file, you can also find an alternate version with colors recomended by unniebee (See image in the gallery above).
      To install this version, extract the .mor file and place into the main mod's folder in your override folder, replacing the original lot100cr_harritt file.
  • Dragon Age: Origins
  • NPCs

Commander Telm of Harmon - Restored



There isn't much about Commander Telm of Harmon out there... and I googled it.

Except for one Youtube video from the youtuber Ellewilde...

DAO: Commander Telm of Harmon.flv

... and some scarced images. :Z

He's not even mentioned in the Cut Content section from the Dragon Age Wiki.

I first heard about him when Qwinn was working on his Ultimate DAO Fixpack and was pondering about adding or creating a new mod restoring some cut content from the game.

Great ideas were discussed then and I hope that one day he decides to make some of them happen...

But for now, he decided to let that go and since I had made a partial restoration of Telm of Harmon based on those conversations for my personal use and it works pretty decent, I'm making it available to whoever wants to use it too or is curious to see it. :)

I'm not revealing where I put him but if you followed Qwinn's old site (or if you pay attention to my images here ;) ), it wont be a surprise.

Let me know if something is missing...

Requeriments :

  • None.

Installation :

  1. Download the main file.
  2. Extract the file.
  3. Place the folder into your override folder.
    • By default it should be : \Documents\Bioware\Dragonage\packages\core\override\
      Use the "daupdater.exe", which is in your Dragon Age\bin_ship folder or any other Mod Manager that install Dazip files.

Uninstallation :

Just delete the folder RC_CTH from your AddIns folder AND the ERF RC_CTH_package from your packages\core\data folder...
Or use the DAO-Modmanager by Altorian.

Known Issues :

None that I'm aware.

Optional file

Included in the .rar file is an optional Dazip file with Commander Telm of Harmon wearing the armour from the DA2's Warrior Item Pack II...

This version requires the Loincloth Fashion by Entopie...

ATTENTION: install ONLY ONE Dazip!

  • Dragon Age: Origins
  • NPCs
  • Restored Content

Ranger Trainer at Party Camp



So... I wanted to learn more about the Toolset and decided to create a small quest... :)

Nothing too complicated or fancy but I wanted to make something that I could use in-game... and one mod that I really like the idea is the original Ranger Trainer by modpeon but I never use it because when I get to the Brecilian Forest and the Dalish, I already bought the Ranger Manual from Bodhan long ago and end up with just another NPC to interact with in the Dalish Camp with nothing else to offer than some lines of dialog about the Dalish and Zathran.

And that gave me the idea for my first attempt creating a mini-quest...
What if some Dalish traveler decided to spend the night near the Warden's camp?

And what if this skilled elf could teach us something to help us fight the Blight?

With that in mind and inspired by the original Ranger Trainer mod, I made this mod that adds a new NPC into the Party Camp that you can choose to help or not.
Your reward if you decide to accept the quest is the unlock of the Ranger specialization. 8)

This Mod also removes the Ranger Manual from Bodhan's store the first time you enter the party camp.

One of the reasons that made me create this mod was to add some way to unlock a specialization that was only possible to unlock by buying a book.
That happens twice in the vanilla game that I know of, with the Ranger and the Spirit Healer specialization.

Anyhoo, let me know if something is missing...

Requeriments :

  • None.

Installation :

  1. Download the main file.
  2. Extract the file.
  3. Place the folder into your override folder.
    • By default it should be : \Documents\Bioware\Dragonage\packages\core\override\
      Use the "daupdater.exe", which is in your Dragon Age\bin_ship folder or any other Mod Manager that install Dazip files.

Uninstallation :

Just delete the folder oz_rang_tr from your AddIns folder AND the ERF oz_rang_tr_package from your packages\core\data folder...
Or use the DAO-Modmanager by Altorian.

Known Issues :

None that I'm aware.


  • What exactly does this mod do?
  • Short answer:
    Nothing, really. If you accept the quest, you'll unlock of the Ranger specialization. If you refuse it, you'll get the Ranger Manual again.

    Long answer:
    It removes the Ranger Manual from Bodhan's store. It adds a new NPC into the party camp that will give a quest where you must bring her a special item and by completing her quest, you'll get the Ranger specialization as reward.
    If you send the Dalish Traveler away, the next time you enter the party camp, go search what she left behind and you'll find the Ranger Manual. there will be consequences.
    By completing her quest, she will leave the camp but this time she wont leave nothing behind.
  • What if I desmiss the Quest Giver ~by accident or on purpose~?
  • No worries. Like I said above, exit the party camp and when returning back, go and search what she left behind.
    You will still be able to get the Ranger Manual but only when you arrive at the Dalish Camp in the Brecilian Forest (don't worry, it will be easy to find).
    I made it so that even if the quest is refused, it can still be possible to get the specialization.
  • Is there any point in installing this mod then?
  • Only if you are like me and think that it's funnier to play a little quest to unlock a specialization than simply buy a book at some shop. :D
  • Where can I get the item required to finish the quest?
  • Patience. Like it says in the quest journal, you must kill a bear to get the item.
    The bear will be in one of the maps next. I will not say where except that it will be after the Redcliffe undead battle. ;)
    BUT if you're impatient, are having problems finding it or somehow already moved beyond Redcliffe without grabbing the necessary quest in the Chanter's Board:
    Use the console command: runscript giveclaws to get the Claws to give to Amaara.
  • I've seen that Dalish Traveler before...
  • Yes. She is from the unfinished mod Amaara Companion by freezedriedbrains.
    I liked her so much that since I can't use her as a new companion ~unless someone with better skills and knowledge than me can finish that mod~, when I was thinking about what should I use as my traveler's face, I decide to use Amaara's. Even her name is a wink to the mod where I "borrowed" her face from.
    So if you like her, you should go to the Amaara Companion by freezedriedbrains and endorse it. :U:
  • Did you used anything from the original Ranger Trainer mod?
  • Yes. I adapted some lines of dialog that I liked how it explain about being a Ranger and the animations for Amaara and her pets (sorry, her friends). :D
  • What changes from version 1 to the final version?
  • Aside from the changes mentioned above, now she leaves you a parting gift designed for archers and rangers (I hope). You should check what she leaves behind. ;)
  • Do I recognize the names of those items? Are they some sort of Easter egg of other games?
  • 1.) Probably... I used names from items I liked how it sounded but that's all. And 2.) They have nothing to do with those games.
  • Is this mod voiced?
  • Yes...but computer generated by the Toolset. Sorry, can't afford a decent VA program. (c)
  • Dragon Age: Origins
  • Gameplay
  • Quests and Adventures

Spirit Healer Trainer



Despite being a spirit healer, Wynne does not teach this specialization, regardless of approval rating. ~ Dragon Age Wiki

When I was working on my Ranger Trainer at Party Camp, it caught my attention that the Ranger specialization wasn't the only one that could only be unlocked by buying a book.

The Spirit Healer was another one that no Companion (I'm looking at you, Wynne. :hmpf: ) or NPC could be convinced to teach you, no matter what.

So, while I was trying to learn more about the Toolset, and upgrading my Ranger Trainer to version 2, I was also working on this mod for the Spirit Healer.

The basics are the same:

  1. You meet an NPC, a quest is proposed.
  2. You accept it or not.
  3. If you accept it, upon completion you will get the Spirit Healer Specialization as reward.

This is also my 2nd attempt at creating faces.
So, let me know if something is missing... because I have a ton of mods for appearance and even trying to use only vanilla assets, I can't say for sure if I didn't messed up anything...

Requeriments :

Installation :

  1. Download the main file.
  2. Extract the file.
  3. Use the "daupdater.exe", which is in your Dragon Age\bin_ship folder or any other Mod Manager that install Dazip files.

Uninstallation :

Just delete the folder sh_train from your AddIns folder AND the ERF sh_train_package from your packages\core\data folder...
Or use the DAO-Modmanager by Altorian.

Known Issues :

  • I'm not sure but the Shortcut through the Deep Roads by Taylor17387 may not be compatible if you accept to take the shortcut path, because you must find one NPC in the Deep Roads prior to where that mod takes you...
  • It was reported that this mod conflicts with Wardens Keep It by setiweb.
    Since I don't use that Mod and to my knowledge, there shouldn't be any shared files so I can't see how our mods can conflict BUT a conflict report must be taken into account.


  • What exactly does this mod do?
  • It removes the Spirit Healer Manual from the Tranquil Proprietor in Wonders of Thedas shop in Denerim.
    It adds a new NPC into the Frostack Mountains Pass that will give a quest to find his lost friend and by completing his quest, you'll get the Spirit Healer specialization as reward.
  • What if I desmiss the Quest Giver ~by accident or on purpose~?
  • No worries. Despite the fact that this mod removes the Spirit Healer Manual from the shop in Denerim, after Completion or Refusing of the quest, the Manual will be back at the Wonders of Thedas to be found later.
    I did this this way because I think the Manual should remain possible to acquire no matter your choice, even if a bit later. ;)
    I made it so that even if the quest is refused, it can still be possible to get the specialization.
  • Is there any point in installing this mod then?
  • Only if you are like me and think that it's funnier to play a little quest to unlock a specialization than simply buy a book at some shop. :D
  • What inspired you to set this quest on Orzammar?
  • The fact that despite being mentioned several times, we never encounter any Grey Warden in the Deep Roads doing the Calling. In DA2 we found Larius but in Origins, there is none to be seen.
    Even with most of the Wardens in Ferelden being killed at Ostagar, I always find that it a bit strange... :S
    That and the need to find another suitable Spirit Healer Mage to teach the specialization inspired this small quest... :proud:
  • Those names are familiar to me...
  • Yes. While looking for Spirit Mages that I could use, I found this little game set in the world of Thedas. And yes, I realize that the events played there are supossed to be about 30 years before Origins but who can say a Grey Warden can't survive that long?
    That's why I created these 2 faces as close as I could with the Toolset limitations and my lack of knowledge, aging them as they would look 30 years older.
  • Will we hear more about this NPCs in the future?
  • Not from me. It was my intention to make the quest this way... with vague informations about what their personal problems were or where they are heading next...
    I "borrowed" them from their own game to make a little cameo on my mod and then I let them go back.
  • Now the important thing... Is this mod voiced?
  • Yes. But Computer generated.
    By the free online service From Text To Speech - they are voiced by the British voices of Harry and Emma and edited with Audacity ®.
  • Dragon Age: Origins
  • Gameplay
  • Quests and Adventures

Triplets No More - Mage Liason Edition



One of the things that always bother me while playing Dragon Age: Origins is the triplets mages from the Mages' Collective (and the Blackstones too but those are for another day, if I can solve some glitches I'm having with them), so I decided to do something about it.

Requeriments :

Installation :

  1. Download the main file.
  2. Extract the file.
  3. Use the "daupdater.exe", which is in your Dragon Age\bin_ship folder or any other Mod Manager that install Dazip files.

Optional Files

By request, in the .rar file, there are three(3) Optional Files with the Liason Agents wearing vanilla items:
One with light armour, one with commoner cloths and another with vanilla robes.

NOTE: Main File is Required!
ATTENTION: Install ONLY one version of the Optional files.

These patches are Not tested.
Uploaded them due to one report of the Brocade Mage Robes confliting with something else.

Optional Files Installation :

  1. Download the optional file.
  2. Extract the folder.
  3. Place the folder into your override folder.
    • By default it should be : \Documents\Bioware\Dragonage\packages\core\override\

Uninstallation :

Just delete the folder MCTNM from your AddIns folder AND the ERF MCTNM_package from your packages\core\data folder...
Or use the DAO-Modmanager by Altorian.

IF you installed any of the Optional Files, remember to delete the MCTNM_ folder from your Override folder as well.

Known Issues :

  • Other than the fact they all share the same voice...
    None that I'm aware of... but, please report any issue in the comments section that you might find.


  • What exactly does this mod do?
  • It replaces two(2) of the Mages Collective Liason Agents with other ones so that they no longer look like they are triplets.
  • Any other advantage by installing this mod?
  • You can say that. Since the vanilla game only uses one .utc file for all Liason Agents, they can only be robbed once.
    With this mod, you can steal all 3 of them.
    And since I use them to get some modded items, if you install or have installed some items from RLs Fashion Bazaar by RogueLass, you might get a nice surprise when stealing from any of them. :-`
  • Are those faces new?
  • Yes. Still learning how to make them, tho...
    I tried to use only vanilla assets but if something is missing, please let me know. I have my fair share of graphic mods installed and might have used something from any of them unintentionally. :D
  • Will you make a version that don't require the Brocade Mage Robes?
  • If there is any request, I may make a version with regular clothing... There are actually 3 versions in the Optional Files that don't require anything extra, all clothing are vanilla.
    I used the Brocade Mage Robes because I wanted each of them to have something unique but at the same time that says they belong on the same group.
    My original intention was to use the Robes of the Four Elements by KwiatW but sadly, it's only for humans... :(
  • Dragon Age: Origins
  • NPCs

Triplets No More - Blackstone Liaison Edition



Finally got to solve all glitches and the Blackstone Liaison Edition is finished. Yay! :spidey:
Huge thank you to DLuf, without whom I would probably still be stuck in this mod.

Requeriments :

  • Nothing.

Installation :

  1. Download the main file.
  2. Extract the file.
  3. Use the "daupdater.exe", which is in your Dragon Age\bin_ship folder or any other Mod Manager that install Dazip files.

Uninstallation :

Just delete the folder BLTNM from your AddIns folder AND the ERF BLTNM_package from your packages\core\data folder...
Or use the DAO-Modmanager by Altorian.

Known Issues :

  • Other than the fact they all share the same voice...
    None that I'm aware of... but, please report any issue in the comments section that you might find.


  • What exactly does this mod do?
  • It replaces two(2) of the Blackstone Liaison Agents with other ones so that they no longer look like they are triplets.
  • Any other advantage by installing this mod?
  • You can say that. Since the vanilla game only uses one .utc file for all Liason Agents, they can only be robbed once.
    With this mod, you can steal all 3 of them.
    And since I use them to get some modded and/or unobtainable items, what I can say is that if you have installed this mod, you might get a nice surprise when stealing from all of them. :-`
  • Are those faces new?
  • Yes. Still learning how to make them, tho...
    I tried to use only vanilla assets but if something is missing, please let me know. I have my fair share of graphic mods installed and might have used something from any of them unintentionally. :D
  • They don't look like in the screenshots, are they wearing something modded?
  • No. All 3 Blackstone Liaison Agents are wearing vanilla light armours.
    But I have installed Retcon Light Armor Texture Rehaul by hoarous, so that may be why they look different in your game... :)
  • Dragon Age: Origins
  • NPCs

Officers of Ferelden in a collaboration with SilverAxe001

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
  10. 10
  11. 11
  12. 12
  13. 13
  14. 14
  15. 15
  16. 16
  17. 17
  18. 18
  19. 19
  20. 20
  21. 21
  22. 22
  23. 23


SilverAxe001 approached me with an interesting idea.
He noticed that the Fereldan Soldiers in DAI were wearing one of the armours from DA2's Warrior Item Pack II... and that got him thinking if would be possible to give that same armour to the soldiers in DAO since that armour is included in the Loincloth Fashion by Entopie...

We talked about it, I searched the toolset and my initial thought was that there are templars, mages, knights, soldiers, and then among the soldiers there are the ones of each bannorn with their own heraldy and equipment... so there aren't really many NPCs we could safely equip with that armour without looking too weird story-wise...

Then a little more discussion led us to decide on just giving the armour to above certain rank NPCs (and some seleted ones, no matter the rank) and that finally gave us this mod.

We also made a version for Awakening in the Optional files.

Requeriments :

Installation :

  1. Download the main file.
  2. Extract the file.
  3. Use the "daupdater.exe", which is in your Dragon Age\bin_ship folder or any other Mod Manager that install Dazip files.

Uninstallation :

Just delete the folder OFF_DAO from your AddIns folder AND the ERF OFF_DAO_package from your packages\core\data folder...
Or use the DAO-Modmanager by Altorian.

If you have installed the Awakening version, you also need to delete the folder OFF_DAA from your AddIns folder AND the ERF OFF_DAA_package from your packages\core\data folder...

Known Issues :

This mod WILL conflict with any mod that changes the same UTC files.
Base game UTC files we changed on this mod:

  • Origins:
    • pre100cr_soldier_gossip2.utc
    • pre100cr_soldier_gossip1.utc
    • pre100cr_sergeant.utc
    • pre100cr_ash_warrior.utc
    • pre100cr_officer_fem.utc
    • pre100cr_officer_1.utc
    • pre100cr_officer.utc
    • pre100cr_bridge_officer_2.utc
    • pre100cr_bridge_officer_1.utc
    • orz100cr_imrek.utc
    • lot120cr_commander.utc
    • epi300cr_guard_2.utc
    • epi300cr_guard_0.utc
    • epi100cr_guard_1.utc
    • den510cr_captain.utc
    • den400cr_sergeant.utc
    • den400cr_officer.utc
    • den400cr_captain.utc
    • den200cr_kylon.utc
    • cli410cr_officer.utc
    • bec210cr_palace_captain.utc
    • bec100cr_guard_captain.utc
  • Awakening version:
    • aoa100cr_captain_aidan.utc
    • aoa100cr_city_guard_cap.utc
    • aoa100cr_garevel.utc
    • aoa100cr_sergeant.utc
    • coa100cr_captain_aidan.utc
    • coa100cr_guard_key.utc
    • coa100cr_guard_key_fake.utc
    • coa100cr_lieutenant.utc
    • int100cr_bodyguard_01.utc
    • int100cr_bodyguard_02.utc
    • vgk100cr_maverlies.utc
    • vgk210cr_garevel.utc
    • vgk400cr_garevel.utc

Also check the Requirements section to make sure you have all the required mods/addons installed... and for the Awakening version, make sure you also have the Awakening Compatibility file from the Loincloth Fashion Mod.
And make sure that you don't have any of the same UTC files in your override folder or they WILL override the ones from this mod.

Not fully tested yet, so let me know if something is not working properly.

  • Dragon Age: Origins
  • NPCs
  • Visuals and Graphics

Early Exalted Maul in a collaboration with SilverAxe001



It's a shame that with all the undead we will be facing during the game, one of the best weapons in the game against them is only available later in the game.

That's what SilverAxe001 told me, followed by...

It's useful against skeletons in the Circle Tower and the elven ruins, so I find it wasted that it appears very late in the game, because then it stops being useful, only at final battle with skeletons in Fort Drakon.

So that made me think about a quick litlle mod to make it available earlier on the game and again talking with SilverAxe001, he told me that he always uses the console to get it just after Ostagar.

So I decided that a good place as any to put it could be Lothering, and following that thought, the dead mage where you get your codex entry for the Maleficarum Regrets nearby to where you first meet Bodhan and Sandal.

Note: This mod MUST be installed before entering Lothering!!

Requeriments :

  • None.

Installation :

  1. Download the main file.
  2. Extract the file.
  3. Place the folder into your override folder.
    • By default it should be : \Documents\Bioware\Dragonage\packages\core\override\

Uninstallation :

Just delete the folder Early Exalted Maul from your override folder...

Known Issues :

It will conflict with any mod that changes the lot100cr_dead_mage.utc file.

  • Dragon Age: Origins
  • Weapons

Saved by Noria

Updated with a version for Spellforce: Reforced.

Spellforce 3: Legacy


Spellforce 3: Reforced



I love the Spellforce games but Spellforce 3 with all its updates/patches or whatever you want to call them was getting a bit tiresome everytime I had to restart a campaign, I also had to replay the prologue where you play as General Noria.

So I made a Save in the Prologue right before Noria saves who is going to be YOUR character for the rest of the game.

Now, when I want to restart the campaign I just put my save in the game save folder and voilá!

I just continue to play from where I get to pick Tahar's appearance, gender, abilities, the works... :D

This save was made on the version 1.39.1 - The latest update/patch to this date: January 19, 2019.

IF it's the first time you're playing the game, I strongly recomend that you DON'T use this save and instead play the Prologue with its tutorial and story. :)

Installation :

  1. Download the main file.
  2. Extract the file.
  3. Place the file into your save game folder.
    • Where I can find the save game folder?
      • For non-Steam games right click the shortcut and choose "Open file location". Here you find the Save folder.
      • For Steam games right-click the game in the Steam library and choose "Properties", then go to the "Local files" tab and click "Browse local files". Here you find the Save folder. //NOTE: I'm NOT a Steam User - Need confirmation if this info is correct!

Uninstallation :

Just delete the file from your Save folder.

Known Issues :

None, that I'm aware of.
But I played with Neox's SpellForce 3 - Anniversary Community Patch (SF3-AC-Patch), so I have no idea what happens if you play with this save without that mod. :S

  • Spellforce 3: Burning Blood
  • Saved Games

Billet is not a Fishery

On their last update with Spellforce: Reforced, THQ Nordic made this mod obsolete as the icon now matches the building.
I'll leave it up as it might be of use for older versions pre 06 Dec. 2021.



Spellforce 3 main game had a Fishery.
It was replaced in Spellforce 3: Soul Harvest onward by the Billet.
Why did they kept the same icon when one is nothing as the other?

  • img-004
    The icon for the Fishery in Spellforce 3: Burning Blood and current icon for the Billet in Spellforce 3: Fallen God
  • img-005
    The new Modded icon for the Billet to be used in Spellforce 3: Fallen God.

Since this is something that always bothered me since they did this change back in Spellforce 3: Soul Harvest, I decided to try my hand with the in-game modding tools and make a quick mod to fix that. :D

Installation :

  1. Download the main file.
  2. Extract the file.
  3. Place the file into your save game mods folder.
    • Where I can find the game Mods folder?
      • For non-Steam games right click the shortcut and choose "Open file location" - There you will find the bin_mods_win32 folder.
      • For Steam games right-click the game in the Steam library and choose "Properties", then go to the "Local files" tab and click "Browse local files". Here you find the bin_mods_win32 folder. //NOTE: I'm NOT a Steam User - Need confirmation if this info is correct!

Uninstallation :

Just delete the file from your bin_mods_win32 folder.

Known Issues :

It will conflict with any mod that changes the following files: and

  • Spellforce 3: Fallen God
  • Visuals and Graphics
Continue Browsing My Mods on the next page below

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